KNUST provides wireless internet connection to all students on campus.
Since all students cannot rely on the Wi-Fi connection, it is complemented with a Vodafone SIM card that comes with a 5GB data bundle every month. The bundle renews every month starting from the very first day it is inserted into your device. And also, it does not expire. It piles up when you do not use it.
Most students especially freshmen find it difficult in connecting to the Wi-Fi.
This content is to guide you to connect your devices to the KNUST Wi-Fi or EDUROAM.
Wi-Fi routers are made available in all the halls and colleges.
To connect to the Wi-Fi, you need your credentials (username and password)
This ensures that only students are able to gain access.
Open this page with Safari.
Click Here to download the Configuration File
Exit Safari
Go to Settings
Go to General > Profile > Click and Install the profile.
Ensure the credentials are properly input and tap the connect button.
STEP 1: Go to Settings on your Android device and select WIFI or WIFI Connection.
STEP 2: Click on the KNUST WIFI to configure your device for use.
STEP 3: Select Advanced options. You should see the options to configure such as EAP method etc.
STEP 4: Under EAP Method > choose TTLS, Under Phase 2 authentication > choose PAP. Every other setting should be left as they are.
STEP 5: Now enter your username and password in the space provided under identity and password respectively. Enter your name in the anonymous identity field
STEP 6: Ensure the credentials are properly entered and tap the connect button.
Turn on your Computer/Laptop or Desktop
Search from your list of available WIFI networks.
Choose KNUST WIFI from your list of wireless networks.
Enter your KNUST Credentials when required/asked.
The WIFI connection will then be established.
There are some locations that have faster internet connections including all study rooms and discussion areas in various colleges. Students who visit these places require their ID cards to gain access to the facilities. Internet cables can be used in these places.
For freshmen, it will take two or three weeks before your credentials are updated so you can log in.
Continuing students have the ability to connect your devices to the Wi-Fi with their credentials.
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